Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Splitists 2

After the 'Gang of Seven' came 'The Lone Ranger' as Joan Ryan resigned from the party to join the Independent Group.

Then a small bombshell as Anna Soubry, Sarah Wollaston and Heidi Allen all quit the Toxic Tories to join the new grouping.

This takes them level with the Fib Dems though, in an interesting statistical annomaly the IG have 7 women to 4 men, the Fib Dems the exact opposite.

The 3 launched a pretty devastating critique of Theresa May’s handling of the Brexit negotiations, noting that that the Tories had lurched to the right, adopting UKIP policies and pursuing a hard Brexit. They also cited the fact that local parties had sufferred 'entryism' turning the Tories into 'BlueKIP' (something I've been calling them for ages).

They then turned their fire on the ERG for calling for Maybot's head then effectively running Government policy.

This is bad news for Maybot as it reduces her notional majority to 8 (and more resignations may be coming), leaving her even weaker & more dependent on whatever the ERG/the DUP decide they want.

We then had the sight of the 3 coming into the commons and turning to the left & the opposition benches.

Then we had the sight of Maybot (who'd had to tear up the script attacking Labour over the defections) and Corbyn pointedly not mentioning the elephant that was not only in the room, it was hovering over their heads trumpeting.

Resignation letter:

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