Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the fuck office ...

  • The disgraced former defence secretary claimed that Leaving EU without a deal is 'survivable'.*
  • Another bunch of cretins got together to discuss the 'alternative arrangements' - the so-called 'Malthouse Compromise". Pretty much all of which have already been shot down as either 'cakeism', wishful thinking or plain non-existent.
  • Nutty Nadine Dorries mixed-up 2 completely different black women and then tried to cast herself as the victim.
  • Over at the MOD Private Pike said he was going to deploy Navy ships to replace ferries. Apparently nobody has told him that RN boats are not designed to carry lorries.
  • The HMRC said, to stop Dover becoming gridlocked all lorries could just come in and declare the arrival of goods later (between one & five days later) so ....
  • 2016's: "Take Back Control of our borders" (which we never actually lost) has morphed into ...
  • 2019: "We can't be fucked with all that control malarkey so we're reclassifying all smugglers, organised or otherwise (like our wonderful ferryless ferry companies) as new independent businesses that we are keen to support to grow our booming economy."

It's only Wednesday!
*So is an amputation you cretinous fucktard.

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