Monday, 25 February 2019

3 months late

The increasingly ludicrous PM has now signalled that the next/final 'meaningful vote' will be on March 12th.

That's more than 3 moths after the vote she hooked after getting frit & more than 2 months after her record defeat when she finally did put it to parliament.

It's also just 17 days until we crash out due to the triggering of article 50, which is entirely her fault.

In addition to the Withdrawal Agreement, there are at least half a dozen major pieces of legislation that need to pass through Parliament too.

That fact alone seems to indicate that, assuming she can placate the far-right & get the WA through, an extension to Article 50 might be necessary. 

Even that's not guaranteed as the EU27 + EU Parliament have very little patience left. This hasn't been helped by the UK attempting to strong-arm individual states & side-line Michel Barnier. In the face of such behaviour the EU might just as well say no and move on to protecting Ireland etc from the shambolic crash out that's coming anyway.

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