The day of the partial solar eclipse &, predictably, Cambridge is blanketed in cloud. Grrrrr
As a result I ended up watching the eclipse on the BBC on a 'Stargazing Live' show hosted by Dara O'Brien & Brian Cox. Others got some great photos though
Also. predictably,after the eclipse was over the clouds cleared and bright, warm sunshine ensued. Double Grrrrr
Walked into town and had lunch with Lou then over to PandIS to cut new/spare labels. Interestingly, despite being from the same file as originally run they were a different colour (probs due to machine being fixed between run 1 & 2).
Set up the stand in record time and wandered back to the unit in the warm sunshine then a quick trip with some landscape 20" x 15" mounts. After work went over to the Granta for beer in the sun but, due to Lou fannying about, a couple got to the last tale in the sun 1st. Went inside after a bit outside & tried new (expensive!) beer - Goose Island IPA from Chicago. Odd taste but quite nice.
Feeling totally shattered so home for pizza and sleep at the weird time of 9pm.
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