Tuesday, 12 July 2016

There's lies and there's LIES

During the referendum campaign one of the most scurrilous lies told by the "Leave" side was that we send £350m a week to Brussels which we don't. Farage, Bowel Disease, BlowJob et all all said that money could be spent on the NHS.

They even painted on the side of a fucking huge bus. And posed with said bus.

Of coarse once victory was achieved the actualité was somewhat different. Farahe went on GMTV around 08.00 and admitted that the NHS wasn't going to get £350m. Other's also said that they hadn't specifically promised it and that the sign n the side of the 60 foot bus as just a suggestion.

Not surprisingly many people are rather angry about this. Particularly the twats & smegtards who voted to leave because they are too stupid & believed this obvious bollocks.

Somebody even set up a site to calculate the money that Boris owes http://whatdoesborisowe.co.uk/

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