Tuesday, 12 July 2016

In other news ...

Away from the burnt & smoking remains of our EU membership & the Tory/Labour civil war there's loads of shit happening at work.

After Bruce said he wanted the printrom staffed while he was off on holiday (see 'FFS!" 28/06/16) there was a large, political (office kind) argument about me doing the packing of the photos. This is something I've been doing for around 11 years. Bruce knows this too.

The upshot of all the arguing is that I'm not doing them anymore. Phil has had to hire in 2 TES temps to do it, part-time. He's not happy. I'm not happy. But Bruce is happy and that's, apparently, what counts...

I did, as part of this find out that I'm paid from central funds so should be OK when that spaztard window-licker Nicholls* closes PandIS following yet another "review".

I was asked to go over & train my successors. They picked it up quickly but there's bound to be problems as there's a lot to take in in the space of 3.5 hours. One did a coupe of days & handed in his notice as he'd got a better job. Still not my problem!

On the plus side, I can take time off now that I don't have anything to do with photo packing (well at the moment). I can't take time off in July as i) I'm doing a graduation set-up/2 day participation/take-down & ii) Bruce decided (before this all kicked off) to take the last week of July too. He'll be in work for a paltry 50% of July (10 days out of the 20).

I've booked the 1st week in August and 4 days of half-term. Don't think he's noticed either, especially the latter yet.

When he complains I'll just repeat the 'printroom must be staffed' thing back at him and point out that I booked it in early of July (06/07 to be precise).

[* Head of the registry is a sort of anti-Midas as everything he touches turns to fucked-up shit)

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