Tuesday, 12 July 2016


There's been an almighty upheaval in the world and all because of politics.

It all started with a bunch of tory boneheads. In order to neutralize these spunktrumpets, Cameron promised (and then followed through on) a referendum. He & his gormless chancellor campaigned for "Remain" whilst assorted Nazi's, Putin, Farage, Pob & BlowJob argued for "Leave".

Lots of lies were spread by the "Leave" side, such as the claim that we send £350m a week to Brussels (we don't) and that this could be spent on the NHS.

The prize bellends lost. So, in a way, did the other side (see following post). A LOT of people weren't happy about the result and there was evidence that some had voted for other reasons:
  • a protest vote about austerity
  • a vote against 'all them immigrants'
  • a protest vote against the government 
  • becuase they believed the lies about money for the NHS
  • so we don't have to be in the European Championships (though, in fairness to that particular thick bitch, Hodgeson's band of twats managed that feat a few days later)
There was a story doing the rounds that the next day the 2 highest google searches were 'What is the EU?' & 'What does Brexit mean?' Places like Cornwall (voted overwhelmingly to leave) started to panic about the imminent loss of EU subsidies. Sunderland (also huge leave vote) suddenly started to panic that car makers Nissan might close the plant & move it elsewhere in the EU to maintain access to the single market.

Probably due to the toxic vitriol spewed out during the campaign, attacks on immigrants and muslims rose sharply (racists seeing their views legitimized?)

Meanwhile, having promised that he'd invoke Article 50 immediately, firing the starting gun on the 2 year leaving process, Dodgy Dave resigned and left the live grenade for somebody else.

It also emerged that the winning side didn't have a plan for leaving the EU. There was some whining that the government should have had 1 but it was pointed out that the government did have a plan - to remain in the EU & it wasn't their job to come up with a plan for the alternative. That was the job for the cunts who won.

Everybody assumed that the new PM would be BlowJob. Until the treacherous Pob stabbed him in the face, dsaying he wasn't fit to be PM & announcing that, despite saying he didn't want it & would be no good at it, he was standing to be PM. Assembled hacks and supporters were stunned when Boris announced he wasn't going to stand.

Amongst all this Mr Toad also quit as leader. Again. The Labour Party, seeing the disarray in the government immediately descended into the kind of in-fighting they specialize in, with attempts to force Jeremy Corbyn out.

Gove was treated like a leper by his party colleagues for a few days but stood anyway. As did May, Fox, Crabb & Leadsome. The last was the "breakout star" (I shit you not, that's what some hack called her) of the leave campaign. Fox was eliminated in the 1st round & Crabb resigned from the race. Gove's act of machiavellian treachery was rewarded with elimination from the race too.

That left Theresa May (front-runner & "reluctant" remainer) v Andrea Leadsom (junior energy minister and total nutjob). what a choice for the 150,000 electorate of Tory members. Which was like choosing to be shot in the face or the groin. Or like Cruella De Vil or Delores Umbridge....

Questions started to emerge about Leadsom's much vaunted experience in the city. It seemed that, far from being a high-flying exec in charge of millions & 100s of staff, she was actually a competent middle manager. One expert on the Baring's collapse (worked on it & wrote a book about experience) said he'd never heard of her. Then it turned out she might actually have been bank-rolled by her brother-in-law via a tax haven.

She was mocked mercialessly on social media for her apparently made-up CV eg I didn't have deal with this when I was a NASA astronaut.

Then people started to look at her stances on gay marriage (against), homosexuality (links to groups that promote "cures") and fox-hunting (wanted ban to be repealed to promote animal welfare).

Then she gave an interview for the Times.

In the now-notorious interview she said that she was better placed to lead Britain out of Europe as she was a mother. She said that she had a 'stake in the future' as she had kids & the May's didn't.

That provoked a MASSIVE shitstorm!

Leadsom accused the journalist of twisting her words & "gutter journalism". She challenged them to provide the transcript, saying she'd never said that. So the Times produced the transcript where she said that. They helpfully also released the audio of her saying that too.

Over the weekend appalled colleagues (and some supporters) were calling for her to apologize & stand down.

While this was all going on the pounds had tanked to lows against the dollar not seen since the 80s and the FTSE100 & FTSE250 had also had billions wiped off their values. Which is odd because Pob had said 'don't trust the experts' that predicted exactly this.

Fast forward to Monday 11/07 and around 11.30 rumours started circulating that Leadsom, having found the criticism, scrutiny & mockery "shattering" was planning to withdraw.

At just after 12 she emerged from a house, preceded by glum supporters like IDS, and read out a letter she'd sent to the 1922 committee chair, Graham Brady saying she was standing down & backing Theresa May for leader.

May herself had not long opened her campaign in Birmingham and was on her way back to London when she heard the news.

Artist's impression of Theresa May receiving the news that she'd won by standing still.

Brady said he'd consult with the board but there wasn't going to re-open the race.

Accordingly Theresa May was now the leader & PM elect.

Dodgy Dave (who had probably been looking forward to a farewell tour & 8 weeks of summer of fun) announced that he'd do 1 more cabinet meeting on Tuesday & 1 more PMQs on Wednesday. Then he'd go to the Queen & resign. She wasn't in London so she had to rip up her diary and get back pronto. Then May would be invited to the Palace to be made the new PM on Wednesday afternoon/evening.

May herself (with husband in tow) came out of the commons the give a quick statement and thank everybody before heading off to start work on her cabinet and what the hell she was going to do with the live bomb that is Brexit.

Also an issue is whether the Union can hold together. Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain, as did Northern Ireland. Scottish 1st Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, immediately said she'd prepare legislation for a 2nd independence referendum. Some politicians in Belfast (both Republican &, surprisingly, Unionist) openly talked about joining the republic to the South to remain in the EU & access the useful grants.


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