Friday, 20 November 2015

Cadwins Curies

So we ordered om of these on Tuesday as they finally had something I fancied. We were told that it would be delivered between 18.30 & 20.30 on Thursday.

Went home and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

At 20.20-25 I went out to call them and find out where it was. I was told that we were one of the last drops and that it would be there before 20.30 (which seemed unlikely). Was offerred the driver's number but i) had nowt to write it down & ii) he would be driving.

He finally turned up about 20.40-ish and even then was around the corner. He did apologize but have to say I was still very unimpressed by this (we could have had a sit down meal in Cocum in the time) & tweeted as such...

By the time it actually turned up we were a bit too hungry to eat so went over to the Isaac. Anna came up with a weird saying: "Play with matches, you'll wet yourself." She swears this is a saying in Poland but we think she was just screwing with Sophie's brain. Dushan claims he's heard it to but I'm not sure I believe him...

[Update: the curry was OK but nowhere near as good as one from the place on Mitchum's Corner]

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