Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Monday 12/10/15

What a fecking day!

Due to a cock-up at MSM a load of jobs hadn't been sent over by Emma (probably busy dealing with extra students who'd turned up unexpectedly). One of them was a complicated one: a mixture of single & double pages, mono & colour. Took about 90 minutes to work out a way to do it (essentially going through & telling command workstation what to do with each page). They only need 295 ...

There was also time to do several others as well.

Yes we are the MSM, not UIS, printroom ....

Was packing to go when Bruce realised that he hadn't planned which stands he wanted to visit, hadn't got nay business cards or anything to take with him to test. He seems determined to use Ricoh even though, as far as I know, they are still off the approved suppliers list. Still he's in charge.

Met Lou in the Architect and had a decent pint of titanic stout before going to the Isaac. Watched a bit of the 1st half of England v Lithuania before home to make a massive, nomtastic bean & mince bake.

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