Monday, 13 April 2015

Weekend 11/04 & 12/04/15

A "Game of Thrones" weekend.

Saturday 11/04/15

Went into town early and put bets on nags for National then over to Lou's office to see if could, with application of assorted new connectors, get Lou's PC to talk to the projector.

As it worked. we popped to M&S to get munchies & returned to watch season 3. Paused at 16.10 to try and get C4 working. Eventually got it going in time for the start. At one point on the 2nd circuit "The Druid's Nephew" was actually leading the race and looking really good.

Then the fucker faceplanted. x:¬(

Still at least Lou got some money back for "Alvaro".

Got some more nosh and then a marathon session of GoT until about 11.30 (got 4 episodes into season 4).

Home for sleeps.


Up at an ungodly hour to listen to the Chinese GP - BBC R5 bloke started to really annoy me as every time there was a message on team radio he just repeated it, no analysis or contribution (as the late, great Richie Benaud said, if you can't contribute, shut up).

Went into Lou's office, via Sainsbury's, to watch remaining 6 episodes.

When we'd finally caught up to date (prior to new season starting tomorrow) we went to the Architect and then the Isaac for a few more (Lou was getting annoyed by hand drier in lady's going off every 45 seconds). Weren't planning to stay for the quiz but ended doing so anyway. Didn't enter, just played along.

BTW GoT had lots of gory violence and lucious nudity and sexytime. Shame they killed "Ygritte" (Rose Leslie) :¬(

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