This is a bit stream-of-conciousness as these things were a week or so ago.
Tuesday 31/03/15
Reading ('Waistcoats & Weaponry) until lunchtime & then over to meet Lou at the club for munchies. To the Library for more reading then to the Mitre. Thought I'd beat Lou for once but she sneaked out early to get there 1st.
Wednesday 01/04/15
Planned to go to London but decided to give it a miss as both tired (and I'd started on the new MOPO book). Lunch at the Portland then went over to Grafton Centre to look for frocks in the charity shops. Plan was to find one skirt that could go over the other. After looking in pretty every shop in Fitzroy St Lou announced that she wasn't sure how she planned to do this in any case (could have said that earlier!). Did get a new coat for me from Oxfam (only £12).
Thursday 02/04/15
Had a shave (only blunted 2 chisels) and then a hair cut (with cute mature redhead on Bridge St). As it was a nice day we walked to Granchester. Well, skipped around the mud & cowshit that was liberally distributed around the paths. A couple of pints in the Red Lion (for a change). Back home via the Red Bull. Usually this is the only place in city that does Directors but it fewking well ran out! Grrrrr!
Popped home for a bit then out to Revolution for works do. Were somewhat ignored and were going to go when Mac & David turned up. Had a nice chat with David and got free vodka shots (too sweet) and slices of pepperoni pizza for Lou.
Friday 03/04/15
Windy! Went over to the Hopbine to try some rums - had 3* then thought we'd best go homewards while we still could. Went to a very quiet Isaac and then were trapped by horrendous rain.
* "Menu"
The "English Spirit Spiced English Rum" was extraordinary - lots of flavours etc
More on our tasting notes when I find them.
Also stated putting olive oil into ears to soften wax prior to hearing test.
Saturday 04/04/15
Went over to the Beehive to look at store that heard did lots of unusual items. Saw some nice chests that we could put hats, steampunk gear etc in.
Rushed back to the Isaac for the game against Arsenal. Wish we hadn't bothered as seems Brendan's troops didn't turn up either. Fucking shambolic & a fucking embarrassment. Any hope of top 4 gone, even for the criminally deluded. Don;t mind getting beaten by better teams but in both games I'm not sure which was worse: the refereeing or our players. Actually, I do: referee in both games was abysmal but we were much worse.
More rum at the Hopbine, including one that came out of a glass replica flintock, to drown sorrows! Had a rather foul one from Thailand too.
Sunday 05/04/15 - Zombie Jesus Day.
Thought about going to the Plough at Coton but it clouded over & looked like rain so turned aside & went to the Free Press (bumping into Pat & Wendy on the way). Had mini-easter eggs in a jar, which Lou ate 99% pf, claiming she was trying to save me from "toxic chocolate shock syndrome."
Onto the Isaac and watched football.
Cooked the nut roast from Tesco's in the evening - alright but as much veg as nuts (included suace was nice though).
Monday 06/04/15
Decided, as it was nice & sunny, to walk to Fen Ditton & have a pint in the Plough. A nice walk but windy & then it clouded over. The pub was pretty busy so we only had the one pint (think might have been overcharged but die to background noise/loss of hearing couldn't tell). Then walked back to the Green Man (note for future - turn down path by Church rather than meadows) and met Carole behind the bar.
Went to Tesco's on the way back and got loads of stuff & a taxi back to house with it all.
Over the road for a couple of jars then home to make a chilli. Had to wake Lou up to eat it but was bloody nice (addition of some smoked paprika gave it a really good taste).
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