Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Wednesday 08/04/15

Woke to find that can't hear very well. Put some drops in again but no difference.

Cold morning & slightly foggy.

Got another proof from MSM for Lianne so printed & took that over.

Got the go ahead to do all the ones Bruce had printed before Easter - two lots of 281 copies & one large one x 42. While printing those Lianne said one taken over was OK to go too. In total 6 boxes &  646 booklets printed & punched.

In evening went to the Castle for a change. Had to move tables due to screechy twats who have never heard the term 'keep it down'. Or indeed 'Shut the fuck up you witless cocksuckers'.

Moved onto the Isaac to find the cocksuckers had moved there as well & the cunts still hadn't learnt the meaning of volume control.

Moved to other end of the pub & watched us struggle against Blackburn who, as predicted, deployed the team bus, an tank & an aircraft carrier between us and the goal. And when we did find a small opening we came up against the excellent Eastwood. Williamson meanwhile, aided the the ever-dreadful Kevin Friend, should have seen at least yellow 5 times (including once when he smashed Moreno in the face & once when he kneed Coutinho in the back).

Still, thanks to "The Magician" we actually scored, Coutinho slotting the ball in on a tight angle.

We also lost Sakho to a hamstring though, given his propensity to leave his brains on the touchline, maybe that's not such a bad thing that the clown will be out for a while....

Still a trip to "Anfield South" to meet Villa.

[Still feels wrong to have the semi-final's at Wembley. Should be final only that's held there]

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