Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Tuesday 28/04/15

Went in a bit early and had a nice hot shower then asked James if he could look at the macbook.

As I suspected he couldn't get it to work either & he thought that the had disc was failing/had failed (it is quite old). He said the only thing we could do to access the data is for Girish to remove it & put it in some form of enclosure and try and mount it as an external drive.

Had an email from John Lewis saying that tablet was ready & waiting for collection. Something I read on said tablet.

A load of printing (and hole punching) for MSM then a meeting with other members of User Services & Richard to go through bits & bobs, including the new online holiday thing.

After work over to the Mitre for 20% off Tuesday but ... but ... NO Doom Bar!

To be fair, this was because they were running a mini beer festival. Had a nice pale ale beer from Alchemy called 'Starlaw". After a few pints & a trip to Sainsbury's popped into the Pickeral and then Lou went home. I went onto the Isaac for a last pint & chatted with John & Barbara. B was saying she has offers from Glasgow & Aberdeen but doesn't know which to go for. I suggested taking a week & visiting both to look around at city & universities (which John thought was a very good idea).

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