Friday, 28 May 2021

Cummings testimony

Thinking over Cummings evidence I don't think we learnt anything that we didn't already know or suspect. He put flesh on the bones but the skeleton has been evident to all who cared to look.

Eg. We know that Johnson is an incompetent oaf who didn't take the warnings and evidence in other countries seriously. We knew about patients being decanted into care homes without testing, seeding the virus. We knew 'herd immunity' was the policy. We know about the lack of any kind of plan for a pandemic. We know that the lack of PPE was a disaster waiting to happen to health professionals.

It was also risible that DC said Johnson was infit to be leader & that it had come down to a choice between him and Corbyn was an indictment of our system. This from the man who did so much to get him fucking elected in 2019!

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