Friday, 26 April 2019

Huawei Leak

This week news leaked out of the top secret National; Security Council that the government was going to let Huawei build some of the 5G network (aerials etc) but not the core system, fearing that the Chinese government would use it for spying and/or destruction in a future conflict.

Apparently some Ministers were very against this, after being briefed by a bunch of people known by the 1 letter initials.

Cue much anger (from both sides of the party divide) that not only did somebody leak details from a top-secret/Chattam House rules body but that the Torygraph put it on the front page too.

Suspects known to have disagreed with the decision taken by the PM are Javid, Williamson, Hunt, Mordant & Fox. The ensuing furore forced the Cabinet Secretary to step in and order a full investigation to find the culprit(s). Some called for the individual to not only be sacked but prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act.

One of the many reasons is that discussions in the committee are supposed to be 'behind closed doors' so spooks can give honest opinions. Likewise allies wont be impressed by secret intelligence appearing within hours of it being presented.

All the suspects came out and declared that they didn't do it but nobody believes them and it's turned into a game of cluedo.

Assuming it was done to advance an in image of toughness prior to a bid for leader people are dismissing Mordant & Fox because they are pointless.

Hunt & Javid seem too smart to do something this stupid. 

Which leaves the Tiggerish Private Pike, aka Gavin Williamson, an ambitious man who is just dim enough to do something like this and expect to get away with it.

Suspicions hardened when he turned on Whitehall mandarins & accused them of leaking the details.

So the man who tried to pick a war with China & told Russia to bugger off is claiming that it was somebody else's fault & nothing to do with him.

Which leads many (including me) to judge that it was him and he's cacking himself because if caught, at the very least, May would have to fire him. Worse: he could find himself in court facing serious charges & if found guilty his political career would be over.

Mind you I'm surprised Private Pike didn't blame one of his SPADs before going after civil servants.

As the saying goes: Deputy Heads will roll.

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