Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Bowel Disease Strikes again

The 'Quiet Man' spewing bollocks

"I'm absolutely appalled" - Conservative Iain Duncan Smith said of Theresa May's talks with Jeremy Corbyn "legitimises a Marxist whose sole purpose in life is to do real damage to the country"

This on the same day as footage emerged of members of the parachute regiment using a picture of Jeremy Corbyn for target practice!

That's the leader of the opposition being pretend-shot less than 3 years after Jo Cox was shot dead!

I hope every soldier involved is court-martialled and/or dishonourably discharged.

The media in general & the #BrexitBroadcastingCorporation in particular bear a heavy responsibility for promoting these far right cunts and the hatred they spew.

I hope every single 'journalist' or 'pundit' who've helped create this climate have a good look in the mirror.

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