Friday, 26 April 2019

The Tories v an enquiry

The Government have said they have no plans to hold an enquiry into all the various criminal shenanigans that happened around the referendum.

Which isn't surprising as it would mean May admitting that i) she got the job by malfeasance and ii) that her entire focus was a massive mistake of her own making.

The modern Tories:

Soft on crime .. Soft on criminals.

Airhead alert Part 948156

The president's daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, said Angela Merkel's 2015 decision to admit approximately 1.1 million refugees was "one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany"

So worse than (a random list from John Simpson):

  • the defeats of Aug-Nov 1918
  • Versailles
  • hyperinflation
  • the Nazis
  • the concentration camps
  • the destruction of the Jews
  • the bombing of German cities
  • the Soviet campaign of rape and looting in 1945
  • the division of Germany

The #BrexitBroadcastingCorporation Part 89674

I see two Tory candidates have bee suspended for racism/Islamaphobia (note only suspended not kicked out of the party).

The Guardian report
Funnily enough the don't seem to want to give this the same coverage as they did antisemitism in the Labour party ...

Huawei Leak note 2

As Ross Kempsell noted

"Theresa May’s cabinet repeatedly attack Jeremy Corbyn and his entourage as an extreme risk to national security.

Tonight a formal inquiry is underway into a leak from the government’s top intelligence forum (which must be trusted by UK allies) - and ministers are in the frame."

Huawei Leak

This week news leaked out of the top secret National; Security Council that the government was going to let Huawei build some of the 5G network (aerials etc) but not the core system, fearing that the Chinese government would use it for spying and/or destruction in a future conflict.

Apparently some Ministers were very against this, after being briefed by a bunch of people known by the 1 letter initials.

Cue much anger (from both sides of the party divide) that not only did somebody leak details from a top-secret/Chattam House rules body but that the Torygraph put it on the front page too.

Suspects known to have disagreed with the decision taken by the PM are Javid, Williamson, Hunt, Mordant & Fox. The ensuing furore forced the Cabinet Secretary to step in and order a full investigation to find the culprit(s). Some called for the individual to not only be sacked but prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act.

One of the many reasons is that discussions in the committee are supposed to be 'behind closed doors' so spooks can give honest opinions. Likewise allies wont be impressed by secret intelligence appearing within hours of it being presented.

All the suspects came out and declared that they didn't do it but nobody believes them and it's turned into a game of cluedo.

Assuming it was done to advance an in image of toughness prior to a bid for leader people are dismissing Mordant & Fox because they are pointless.

Hunt & Javid seem too smart to do something this stupid. 

Which leaves the Tiggerish Private Pike, aka Gavin Williamson, an ambitious man who is just dim enough to do something like this and expect to get away with it.

Suspicions hardened when he turned on Whitehall mandarins & accused them of leaking the details.

So the man who tried to pick a war with China & told Russia to bugger off is claiming that it was somebody else's fault & nothing to do with him.

Which leads many (including me) to judge that it was him and he's cacking himself because if caught, at the very least, May would have to fire him. Worse: he could find himself in court facing serious charges & if found guilty his political career would be over.

Mind you I'm surprised Private Pike didn't blame one of his SPADs before going after civil servants.

As the saying goes: Deputy Heads will roll.

The Mobius Strip Of Brexit

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

The most moronic reason to vote Leave?

SurryAmps tweeted: ‘A caller to LBC said he voted to Leave because he just didn’t like the thought of the EU. With this in mind, what is the most fucking moronic reason you have ever heard someone give for voting for Brexit?’
I don’t know if the following responses are hilarious, tragic or both!
·      Keeping 3 pin plugs. The caller to James O’Brien thought the EU were going to force us to change to 2 pin.
·      A friends’ dad is concerned about the number of gays at the BBC, that’s why he voted to leave.
·      I overheard an amoeba say she can’t wait to leave Europe because it’s a pain having to buy euros when she goes on holiday.
·      I have a friend who voted Leave because “I don’t make those decisions - my husband tells me what to vote for.” [the Suffragettes must be very proud.]
·      Because the EU is going to ban the Royal Family.
·      She thought the statue of the girl and bull outside the EU buildings was anti-Christian. Didn't seem too worried after the vote when she was told the statue was on Wall St, New York.
·      Bringing back a poisonous red food colouring that the EU had banned.
·      "I voted Leave. Not having my kids grow up with sharia law."
·      “They gang up on us in the Eurovision.”
·      "I just wanted a change.” - much as if she were going to the hairdressers.
·      "To bring house prices down." (given by a woman who owns a house).
·      There was a guy who when told the UK could leave on WTO rules, asked what WTO was, after being told he said "I thought WTO was the factory in Wigan that made tractor parts."
·      A young woman voted leave because she was fed up with her boyfriend going on about England in the Euros.
·      The girl from Grimsby who said she voted Leave because her Gran said the Germans weren’t very nice people
·      “We won’t have to take part in the Euros any more. I don’t like football.”
·      My friend voted leave because she didn’t like laws that restrict how many hour’s lorry drivers can drive. She’s not a lorry driver and doesn’t know any lorry drivers.
·      My Gran voted leave because the EU banned cheese rolling.
·      “I don’t want my children to have to learn Indian in school. I don’t mind them learning French though.”
·      Tossed a coin.... yes its true someone said that!
·      Because we fought the Germans in World War II
·      A co-worker voted leave because he heard that the EU was going to put a tax on e-cigarettes.
·      A woman told me today that the blue flag with gold stars '”Annoyed her.”
·      “The roads in Spain are too nice.” - British immigrant in Spain. [Believed to be Katie Price’s mither]
·      Because a 'sort of old foreign man got served before (them) in A&E'.
·      “They need us more than we need them. We saved Europe twice.”
·      “They don't have our standards.”
·      "Because the council had closed the local public toilets."
·      Jeremiah 15 told him the EU was the devil incarnate which was why he voted Leave in 2016.
·      Me: why did you vote Leave? Mother: [slightly baffled look, two second pause] “Well...we won the war.”
·      “I’m glad we’re leaving, I’ve never liked the United Nations.”
·      “I don’t want to go to France.”
·      Not liking regulation of toilet design.
·      “Because when you go to Europe it’s all kilometres & you have to travel further.”
·      “My ex-husband had an affair with an East European. There must be more like her. They should all be deported, and we should stop them coming here.” After further questions, it turns out he had several affairs, the last one with a man. I suggested we deport all men, too...
·      “Too many foreigners” - he’s married to an Italian.
·      "To get rid of the Asians."
·      “So I don’t have to queue at passport control when I come home from holiday.”
·      “Because they forced my dad to have a plastic wheelie-bin instead of his heavy old galvanised steel bin.”
·      I heard a caller on LBC about a week after the referendum say she voted Leave because she didn't like Chinese food.
·      My hairdresser voted to leave even though she owns a holiday home in Cyprus she wishes to retire to.
·      A friend has a village shop in the Lakes. 24/6/16 customer arrives, goes straight to the pie shelf, selects steak & kidney. At the till, he announces he voted Leave because the EU banned S&K pies; now we’ve left, he can buy them again...
·      The "expat" that wanted to reserve FoM for "proper Europeans" like him not just anybody ... he's now worried that his British dog will lose its passport to freely travel to Spain.
·      1) "To give the kids a chance", and 2) "Because of something I read in the Bible" (apparently making a link with EU funding of projects in Palestine)
·      Because they didn't like EU citizens coming over and working in the NHS. Whilst they were sat across the table from me, an EU citizen.
·      Regulating our cucumbers.
·      "Bloody Indians coming over here..."
·      So she could buy New Zealand lamb again!
·      My neighbour didn’t like the way the other leaders looked at David Cameron!
·      Stopping the brown people coming in. Stopping all those people who steal our jobs whilst living on benefits coming here. [Schrödinger’s Immigrant]
·      A woman I met at a wedding said she voted leave because she wanted her grandchildren to speak English not foreign.
·      A Team Leader at work voted 'Leave' because of the way some Russian football fans had behaved the weekend before
·      Getting back duty free when travelling to/from Europe.
·      “Too many people wearing turbans in the local market.”
·      “It will do us good to go without food & medicines for a few days.”
·      Tuition fees.
·      My mother said she voted leave because of some noisy Romanian lads she had seen once.
·      "The EU have passed a law stating that the cucumbers I buy in the supermarket must be sold in vacuum sealed plastic wrappers."
·      A client with a house in Italy voted leave because the EU were bringing in emissions regulations and he has vintage cars that wouldn’t pass.
·      My top 3 from Street Stalls - 1. Because you can’t buy pork chops with kidneys anymore 2. If we leave we will be able to buy bananas from Madeira 3. We need to leave the EU, it says so in the book of Jeremiah.
·      “The bloody EU took away my wife’s Motability car.”
·      The EU banned smoking in pubs.
·      “Too many Muslimics.”
·      "Too many human rights."
·      Too many Chinese restaurants in Clacton!
·      Because the word 'Brexit' sounded good, like 'biscuit'.
·      “Before the EU we had multi-coloured fire extinguishers for different fires.”
·      Not fair that student friends can have free internet through ‘euduroam' while she had to pay for phone data.
·      “Because 'they' haven't cut the verges!” (pointed out long grass on verges).
·      To buy British eggs.
·      “The EU was invented by the Nazis.”
·      “You don't see British cheese in French supermarkets.”
·      Council tax had gone up and, by the same woman, the Mayor for Merseyside never goes to the Wirral.
·      "It's not about benefits, it's about feelings."

Another week of knobheads.

Monday - Corporal Frenchy Penfold (aka Mark Francois) has demanded that the vote of no confidence be re-run because new information has come to light since the failed putsch.

Tuesday AM - Andrea Loathsome has said it would be "fantastic" if Angela Merkel did the impossible and re-opened the Withdrawal Agreement.

Another name down

Debenhams, which has been trading in one form or another since 1778, has collapsed into administration.

Thousands of staff & suppliers are likely to be affected.

On the plus side, Mike Ashley has just lost a chunk of money (estimated at £140m).

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Elsewhere in the Fuck Office

Last night MPs finally agreed on something.
Something that's not in their power to grant & which has no impact on the 27 in whose power it is.

They might as well have voted to declare the earth flat or that water is made of unicorn farts.

1 like

Want a metaphor?

Proceedings in the Commons have been suspended as the ceiling in the press gallery has sprung a leak!

It's possibly a burst pipe but the are some suggestions of sewage coming through too.

What a perfect metaphor!

On a serious note, Parliament is falling down: it's a historic building that needs lots of money spending on it. MPs however don't want to consider doing the work & keep kicking the idea into the long grass of committees. 

They wont vote to approve the money to fix it & they wont move out so things will only get worse.

Kate McCann of the Torygraph detailed some of the problems.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Mad Nad Part 488198

Nutty Nadine Dories: "I feel like I'm in Groundhog Day, things constantly changing around us."

Nutty Nadine clearly hasn't seen the film. Mad Nad was probably too busy munching wallaby cock for a gameshow.

Bowel Disease Strikes again

The 'Quiet Man' spewing bollocks

"I'm absolutely appalled" - Conservative Iain Duncan Smith said of Theresa May's talks with Jeremy Corbyn "legitimises a Marxist whose sole purpose in life is to do real damage to the country"

This on the same day as footage emerged of members of the parachute regiment using a picture of Jeremy Corbyn for target practice!

That's the leader of the opposition being pretend-shot less than 3 years after Jo Cox was shot dead!

I hope every soldier involved is court-martialled and/or dishonourably discharged.

The media in general & the #BrexitBroadcastingCorporation in particular bear a heavy responsibility for promoting these far right cunts and the hatred they spew.

I hope every single 'journalist' or 'pundit' who've helped create this climate have a good look in the mirror.