Thursday, 8 February 2018

Lies for foreigners

The bosses of big Japanese companies such as Nissan & Toyota are apparently going to Downing Street today. to meet Maybot & Hammond.

To be honest I don't know why they are bothering: all they'll get is more soundbites & outright lies from the weak & wobbly smeghead.

May has already made some (eg. Nissan), look, at best, foolishly naive by promising that we;d remain in the single market/customs union & then very publicly & repeatedly saying we wont.

If there's one thing people from South-East Asia don't like it's being made to look stupid & losing face!

I wonder, after Maybots most recent surrender to the Brexit zealots, whether Nissan, Airbus, Toyota et. al. will say something like:

 'If the UK is leaving the CU, we are leaving the UK. We hear that Italy is nice. So long & thanks for all the money.'

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