Thursday, 8 February 2018

Deja plus

Lou has had a bad cough since the start of January (think a 60-80 a day smoker). Whe got signed off for a while as it was a 'virus' (ie we don't know & haven't the money to find out).

She went back but it hung around so she was off again. I started noticing that she started coughing at the same time each morning: when it was time to get up for work. It was like clockwork: I'd be brushing my teeth @ 07.10 & she'd start hacking up.

After a week or 2 of this it made me wonder if she didn't want to go into work & this was a response.

This worried me as i) she has been depressed before; ii) would this go down negatively on her sick record & iii) would they conclude that she was off long-term sick and therefore terminate her contract.

So I asked her outright & she denied there was a problem.

Until she went in on Monday 05/02.

Now it seems that I was partially right. She's now saying that she thinks this might be a (delayed) reaction to the death of her brother. As such she's been recommended for counselling at Occy Health (by Rachel) and she's self-certificating for another 7 days (it was that or a 2 week sick note from the Dr).

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