Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Decion-making at UIS: slower than a glacier

So, having (finally) been upgraded in early January I took over the responsibility for the old PandIS archive.

Since then I've been waiting for Bruce & Fay to agree pricing.

And waiting.

And waiting.

We did think we'd sorted it last week, when Fay sent us prices & we set them slightly higher than the costs she'd worked out. Then it went back to Fay.

And I'm still waiting.

And now Bruce has announced he's taking this afternoon off because Helen's bike is broken.

Its been the thick end of 6 weeks, I have 17 customers wanting photos and I still have no idea of the prices or how they pay.

If this doen't get sorted soon I might have to refer this up to Vince to sort out.



Our woeful excuse went on the Today programme. When asked about the Ireland/N. Ireland border  problem he came up with the usual bollocks about high-tech cameras.

He went on to compare the crossing to the journey between Camden & Westminster.

Because a dairy farmer in Northern Island sending his milk to a cheese producer in the republic is EXACTLY like a farmer in Camden sending his produce to another business in the city.

All this after he was chastised by a 95 year old ex-RAF veteran:

Harry didn't even mention all the nonsense that BJ wrote to entertain himself when he was the EU Correspondent for the Torygraph ... From 'Bendy Banana's to Brexit Bollocks, the only thing Boris Johnson is interested in is the postcode SW1A 2AA.

And to think that this mentally defective Brextremist clown is supposedly a responsible representing the UK to the outside world ...

A snowy day

Tourists have arsegiblets for brains

Proof, as if it was needed, that people (and tourists in Cambridge) are fucking idiots. Seriously, anybody demanding a punt tour in a blizzard could be out-thought by a modest compost heap.

There are times when the zombie apocalypse doesn't seem so bad after all.
Though they'd fucking starve in Cambridge.

Snowpocalypse eadlines

Kent officially listed as ‘missing’ 
Army of naked albino’s mysteriously vanishes  
Martial law declared in Gloucester 
Riots in Aldi as shoppers fight for last remaining ‘gloves & hat’ promotion. 
Feral zombie sledgers sighted in Sheffield 
Wolves seen searching for food in Wallsall 
‘Winter is Coming’ memes crash Facebook 
Kate Windsor wears a dress 
White Walkers spotted in Wimbledon 
Archaeologists discover the original ‘Snowman’ in Swindon 
Mr Tumnus glimpsed entering DFS wardrobe department 
Jack Frost arrested after being caught on CCTV vandalizing windows  
Social media now approximately 98% pictures of snow 
Prince’s William & Harry baffled by their partners request for new dresses
Polar bears and penguins avoiding each other

Yeti’s spotted in Yeovil 
Trolls complain about cross-bridge tariffs 
Live-action production of “Frozen” announced in Fleetwood - Army deployed 
Vanilla Ice re-releases seminal track “Ice, Ice Baby’ 
Horrified reporters assured that Doncaster always looks that bad
Kate Windsor & Megan Markle wear different dresses
Snowmen march on Westminster complaining about the price of noses & eyes
Supermarket launches ill-advised ‘barbecue weather’ promotion 
Northern man nearly goes out without his hat 
Naked rambler complains about loss of assets
'Yellow snow' starts trending on social media
'Flat white’ takes on a different meaning in Hoxton

Monday, 26 February 2018

Bloody snow!

Sodding typical:

Go out to Sainsbury’s, no snow.

Come out of Sainsburys, no snow.

Go round the corner, walk into a fucking blizzard.

Back to office, no snow.

Sunday, 25 February 2018

2018 Death List - updated

  • Peter Preston
  • Cyrille Regis
  • Dolores O'Riordan
  • Hugh Masekela 
  • Peter Mayle
  • Jimmy Armfield
  • Ursula K Le Guin 
  • Mark E. Smith
  • John Mahoney 
  • Emma Chalmers
  • Sir Roger Bannister
  • Davide Astori 
  • Trevor Baylis 
  • Sir Ken Dodd 
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Jim Bowen
  • Winnie Mandela

Thursday, 8 February 2018

This tosser is allowed to breed & even vote ...

Mini Reichstag fires

Deja plus

Lou has had a bad cough since the start of January (think a 60-80 a day smoker). Whe got signed off for a while as it was a 'virus' (ie we don't know & haven't the money to find out).

She went back but it hung around so she was off again. I started noticing that she started coughing at the same time each morning: when it was time to get up for work. It was like clockwork: I'd be brushing my teeth @ 07.10 & she'd start hacking up.

After a week or 2 of this it made me wonder if she didn't want to go into work & this was a response.

This worried me as i) she has been depressed before; ii) would this go down negatively on her sick record & iii) would they conclude that she was off long-term sick and therefore terminate her contract.

So I asked her outright & she denied there was a problem.

Until she went in on Monday 05/02.

Now it seems that I was partially right. She's now saying that she thinks this might be a (delayed) reaction to the death of her brother. As such she's been recommended for counselling at Occy Health (by Rachel) and she's self-certificating for another 7 days (it was that or a 2 week sick note from the Dr).

Selling out the NHS to the US

See Theresa the Appeaser was given a free pass to say that the NHS wouldn't be part of any trade deal with the USA.

Instead she refused to say that she'd defend it from vulture capitalists from the land where the leader slags it off.

As for the spokesgimp (when the government belatedly realised that this didn't sound good) saying that she said it's not the for sale last February... That was a year ago: she changes her position more times than most people change their clothes.

The weak & wobbly PM either lies, prevaricates or does whatever the last person she talked to wants.

This WILL come back to bite the Tories in local elections. Particularly if Labour go hard on it!

Update: this popped up on twitter.

Cheddar Man

Interesting DNA analysis on a 10,000 year old skeleton concluded that he had very dark/black skin & blue eyes.

Cue racists frothing at the mouth.

It did lead to one post:

"One is a mesolithic fossil hominid from Somerset. The other is Cheddar Man."

They put a Tesla in Space

The thought of this chap driving round the solar system makes me happy #Starman
#SpaceStig #SpaceX #DouglasAdams #HHGTTG

And to think Honda can't even get an engine to last a whole weekend ...

[Update: they got their sums wrong/the burn was too long so the Tesla isn't going into orbit round Mars but heading for the asteroid belt. Where it's plbably get smashed to bits, assuming it lasts that long.]

Sound the Spunktrumpet Kalaxon (Easter Module)

Aside from the sheer asinine stupidity of this laughable lie, doddery Godfrey is clearly unaware that Thortons have been owned by an Italian company, Ferrero SpA, since 2015 ...

Taking credit for the godd time, the bad times not so much

Funny how when the Dow Jones was surging Trumplethinskin was taking all the credit.

Now it's had the worst plunge in it's 122 year history he's curiously taciturn ...

Lies for foreigners

The bosses of big Japanese companies such as Nissan & Toyota are apparently going to Downing Street today. to meet Maybot & Hammond.

To be honest I don't know why they are bothering: all they'll get is more soundbites & outright lies from the weak & wobbly smeghead.

May has already made some (eg. Nissan), look, at best, foolishly naive by promising that we;d remain in the single market/customs union & then very publicly & repeatedly saying we wont.

If there's one thing people from South-East Asia don't like it's being made to look stupid & losing face!

I wonder, after Maybots most recent surrender to the Brexit zealots, whether Nissan, Airbus, Toyota et. al. will say something like:

 'If the UK is leaving the CU, we are leaving the UK. We hear that Italy is nice. So long & thanks for all the money.'