Monday, 15 June 2015

Saturday 13/06

To the Town & Gown Country Fair early in the morning and had a look about. Bit pissed off that:i) the chutney guy wasn't there
ii) the beer tent was being run by somebody else & only had 1 or 2 beers (and those from keg rather than barrel).

Went over to see traction engines & saw a steam car from America.

Got a call from Heather who decided to come down. When she turned up she'd seriously misjudged the weather as she was wearing shorts!

Went round the marquees with her and introduced her to several items suc as toffee vodka (apparently it was so nice I'm a bastard for getting her to try it!). It started to chuck it down and it set in for the afternoon.

Wandered about and had different ciders before Heather decided she was getting too cold and went home.

Ali & Tim appeared and we had a quick wander before repairing to the Grain Store for beers in the warmth. Helen & Colin (and somebody whose name fails me) turned up too. A coule of hour of laughter and beer ensued.

A good day despite the rain.

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