Monday, 22 June 2015

Monday 22/06/15

To NMS fist thing this morning. Got in at 07.40 and only person there until just after 8.00 when Mick came in. Phil got in a bit later: he'd been ill over the weekend too. Guess he'd picked up the lurgy that hit Mick twice in a week.

The tent outside was done so we went over a couple of times with all the mounts and dumped them. After 3 trips we couldn't really do any more so I came over to RNB. Used the Uni 4 and was once again reminded that the 'timetable' is more of an aspiration than something to rely on.

Did a load of vet school forms that Phil had forgotten about and also the photos that Natalie had put out on Thursday and which UMS had finely bothered to collect/deliver.

Oh Phil did mention banner but he doubted that Mick would want to bother at this stage (only had ages to do it).

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