Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Monday 08/06/15

Back to work ... Booh!

Had a nice hot shower then started on the remainder of the forms at 08.00. Only 96 emails and most of them were promotional/ad rubbish. Finished printing & gluing all the forms. Just waiting for the guillotine to be sorted (ie. Bruce to pull his thumb out of his bum & get in touch with Fingerprint like he'd supposed to be doing for 2 weeks).

A couple of people came in from Ricoh to talk, yet again, about new printers. I don't think there's that much of a rush as the previous agreement ran out a year ago ... By the time anything actually happens we'll be discussing printers that are 2 generations on from the current range.

PandIS are all in the new offices (very cramped). After some discussion with Phil/Helen Sargan about web address to use we found that the UIS one wasn't coming 'onstream' until September. Phil & I decided to order just 5000 folders for the summer. Wonder if they'll be ready nest week....

Went to the Isaac in the evening but went home early as they'd left the door open and the cold night air was coming in so it was freezing.

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