Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Plans, plans, plans

So, in an effort to bring the Party together the Toxic Tories have 2 plans: ‘Plan A’ involves an alternative backstop proposal - which has already repeatedly been rejected by the EU27 around once per week since May signed the document. ‘Plan B’ assumes the EU27 would agree to a transition period without a withdrawal agreement – which has also been firmly rejected.

Both are to some degree her original deal in a false nose & glasses.

After either plan has, inevitably, been rejected by the other side she'll present another plan in another couple of weeks (ie kicking the can a bit further down the road).

While all this is going on we also have toady Pob saying, in effect, let's just get out with any deal and then we can unilaterally break any agreements. Which isn't going to look good.

Who on earth would want to deal with Perfidious Albion when the government has so little regard for international law?

Better get stockpiling food & stuff as a #CrashOutBrexit is coming.

Which is what the far-right elite wanted all along.

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