Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Having your cake & eating it strategy

 I see that Maybot’s ship of fools is now proposing a ‘have your cake and eat it for an indeterminate time’ customs strategy.

Putting aside for a moment the fact that this is both incoherent & contradictory (and rather large probability it'll be rejected out of hand by the EU27), Maybot’s new idea is rather more to do with keeping the cabinet united than the customs union (which she plans to leave over an ideological issue with the ECJ anyway).

In an article in the Independent Sean O'Grady lampoons our 'position' papers as:

"These will be entitled: “Having Your Cake and Eating It – Trading the UK Way”, “Why Europe Needs Britain More than Britain Needs Europe, Honest. So Do As You’re Told”, “Have You Not Witnessed the Iron Will of the British People?”

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