Monday, 24 April 2017

Situation: Fugazi Squared

Get in at 07.40 looking forward to a shower etc. Back door not working so have to go round the front.

Get in & find that card access to printroom doesn't work.

Test card on other readers at front & it works fine, so not it's the card.

Ian B comes in so I ask if he can let me in "There you go .... Oh!"He then goes to the stores & finds that's out of action too. Ian opens the hatch and climbs through so that he can get stores open.

After testing various doors it seems that the rear ground floor is affected. John M calls Chubb.

I sit down to wait.

And I wait.

And I wait some more.

Get a coffee from the Lab & let Megan know.

Send Bruce a text saying not to rush as can't get in. Bruce doesn't read it so when he gets in and is told he decides to pop into town to bits and bobs. Does discover that it seems a panel has shorted out.

I wait some more.

Finally get through to Phil around 10.15 & see if there's anything I can do over there. Neville hasn't had time to sort the lawn photos from March (and not done April 01 prints) so I go over, sort them out and pack them.

At 12.35 Bruce calls to say that the panel has been fixed. Finish packing & get some food.

Get back to RNB around 14.15 and finally sit down at my desk some 6.5 hours after first attempting to.

What a typical, fucking, twatting waste of time.

Just the start you want in a 6 day week!

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