Monday, 20 February 2017

Trump: a new week, a new fuck-up

 A "fine-tuned machine"

Trump held one of the most bizzare press-conferences in history on Thursday. He asked a black reporter if she knew & could arrange a meeting with coloured members of congress, attacked the pres & claimed that his administration was running like a fine-tuned machine.

Cue much social media shenanigans: Here's 2 from me

The press conference was so disasterous that the new nominee for the NSA post withdrew his candidature too.


During a rally on Saturday* Lord Dampnut mentioned an attack in Sweden the previous night.

Which came as news to the Swedes.

Yep! Much like the #BowlingGreenMassacre it never happened.

Something that was pointed out bu Emma, the librarian who was curating the @Sweden account at the time. She ended up doing a lot of media interviews.

Cue much piss-taking on social media. References to Ikea, Abba & the Swedish Chef from the Muppets abounded.

Trump later claimed that he'd seen it on Fox News. That's right: the President gets his briefings from TV and, while attacking the media for "fake news" quoted a "fake news" story.

Funnier was Fox News responding that they had no idea what story he claimed to have seen. More worrying a load of his grunting nutty supporters took time out from wanking themselves to claim that the Swedes were covering it up!

* Why was he holding a 'rally' in Florida. You'd think he'd know that he's got a few years before the next electoral cycle and, in any case, you'd have thought he'd be a tad busy running the country, getting positions in his cabinet filled.

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