Friday, 7 July 2017

Last GA memories


Moving stuff in a thunderstorm. Getting so wet had to go to M&S to get dry clothes.

Simpers fucking up and not getting the tent set up properly (brought wrong sized roof) meaning we didn't finish until 6pm.

Wednesday - Friday

Very busy, especially on Friday. Burned through June stock and most of the July stock too (lots of frames fine but problems with the glass).

Joe hiding mounts so we thought we were out but still had some (Magdalene & Homerton).


This bloke from North London turned up

Burned through rest of July stock + most of emergency extras we got from Bill. Matt & FOH team actually did do the tidying up before pushing off which meant that we could get on with taking the stand down (as colossal fucknuts, Simpers, were taking the tent down on Sunday. That's twice they've fucked us over).

Finally got finished about 7.45pm and went to Castle for a series of gins.

I also noticed this graffitti on one of the pillars for the 1st time (no idea if it's new or not)

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