Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Wednesday 18/02/15

Another very sunny but cold morning. Monica dropped by for some laminating & asked if I'd heard that Richard M had resigned. Told her it wasn't surprising and that MB had told him he hadn't got the job he applied for & then asked him to do something for him.

We both think Richard will be the 1st of many to move on, leaving the organisation much weaker as a result. Millions of pounds & countless man hour wasted while making the service worse. That's the University way.  :¬/

Just after I wrote the above Richard came in to tell me that he'd resigned - he was impressed with the speed of the 'bush telegraph' when I told I'd heard. We had a chat about the direction of the department (it could work out OK but probably wont). He doesn't have a plan for after leaving (probably in May) but after 20 years in the University he thinks he needs a step back & thinking about what wants to do with the rest of his working life. He told me that they sold their Cambridge house last summer & have been living in Saffron Walden. They are thinking of buying a place back in Cambridge vicinity, in Northern Ireland, France or Denmark. Have a few months to narrow it down.

Richard also said that, moving to SW had made him realise how unfriendly Cambridge has become. Told him about Cath & Fred viewing London as friendlier than here.Richard also talked about taking a step back and viewing things as a whole & thinking that a 'top down' hierarchy wont really work in the University structure. Did also mention that a possible loss of goodwill among staff - the 'that's not in my job description but I don't mind doing it' factor that keeps the system working.

Will be a shame to see Richard go as he's 1 of the good guys. He did say that number of factors aligned to make it the right time to move on.

Away from work, footage merged of supposed Chelsea fans pushing a black Parisian off the metro & chanting about how they were proud to be racists ( Every group has it's share of prize knobheads but I don't assume that those utter bellends are representative of either Chelsea or it's fans

Over to Lou's and we watched 'Iron Sky' which may be one of the most brilliantly batty movies I've ever seen. Completely mental and has massive plot holes but doesn't seem to care about them. Some of the acting is awful & the dialogue terrible but it's still a magnificent hoot.

Then over to 'Wolf Hall' where MArk Rylance once again displayed his masterly talents with yet another uderstated performance as Thomas Cromwell. The last episode is next week and that seems a terrible shame.

"Up The Women' lastly for a complete change of pace. Another good episode of this gentle comedy.

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