Saturday, 3 January 2015

Back to work or ...

... Why, oh why, didn't I take the blue pill?

Ian went back to work after a month off on the 2nd of January and was quite busy in the morning doing lots of proofs for Material Science that Bruce didn't have time to do before Christmas. Hardly anyone was around as most, including Emma at MSM, had taken the day off. One consequence is that many hundreds of documents need proofing & printing in a week for the start of term. And that's not counting the Computer Lab stuff.

Also had to call an engineer for the colour machine that Bruce broke the handle off on the 19th of December (too much OJ at the Xmas party?).

Luckily it was quiet in the afternoon & did get to see 1 of the family of rats that have moved in under the air-con units,

Lou spent all day in bed, finally venturing out after Ian got home, for cat food & beer.

Big news of the day was Gerrard confirming he would be leaving Liverpool after 17 years with the club. The end of an era & 1 of out greatest ever players who dragged us to new levels, scoring in every domestic & European final and taking home the trophy each time. Just a shame our defence fell short at the end of last season & Gerrard couldn't have the 1 winners medal that always eluded him.

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