Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Hillsborough 2

South Yorkshire police deliberately changed or fabricated evidence as they tried to cover up their responsibility for the deaths

While people were fighting for their lives they were already planning how to shift the blame onto the victims.
  • They took blood alcohol samples from the dead, including children
  • They searched the criminal database, presumably, hoping to find information they could use to further inpugn the dead
  • Police altered 164 records, 116 of them significantly
  • The chief constable decided over dinner at a restaurant that the line to be taken was that the victims were to blame.
  • Sources of Sun newspaper coverage was a Sheffield news agency and local Tory MP Sir Irvine Patnick
  • This lead to the Sun's newspaper coverage.
As Cameron said, "Today's report is black and white the Liverpool fans were not to blame for the disaster.

As tweeted 'Those who've campaigned for the truth on Hillsborough were once a suppressed minority. Now the minority are those left clinging to the lies' 

Perhaps the most shocking thing of all was the fact that if South Yorks police hadn't been too busy mounting a cover-up potentially 41 people might have been saved.

The abitrary 3.15pm cut-off time in the travesty of the inquest helped hide this. While there is no way of knowing if any would have survived, the fact that even 1 could have been saved is a dire indictment of both the police and the ambulance service.

This was compounded by the fact that the families, who must wonder if their loved ones could have been saved, have had to bear the lies and calumny thrown at them for nearly a quarter of a century. It turns out that they were right and the authorities have denied them and the dead justice.

For years Liverpool fans have been labelled as murdering scum. Finally we can see the real murdering scum were the South Yorkshire Police.

In short, Fans left to die, children tested for alcohol and dead checked for criminal records. And people question why families fought for this day

I also wonder if the fact that the Sun/NOTW got away with it 23 years ago was what lead them to believe they could do anything. One consequence of this 'untouchable' ethos was the fact that they felt they could hack phones and get away with it.

And, by the way, we all know that Kelvin MacKenzie is only apologising because he's attempting to preserve his income. Will the BBC now stop spending my licence fee on the the disgraced, disgusting scumbag Kelvin MacKensie?

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