Monday, 16 January 2012

Some of my Tweets regarding the Gove Boat

Michael Gove today proposed spunking £60+ million away on a new yacht for Queenie's jubilee, a magnificient present for a rich women from a grovelling, lickspittle shite.
  • Mr Gove, if we can get rid of useless teachers, will the same rules apply right up the chain of command?
  • Still can't believe Michael Gove wants to spunk £60m+ on a boat. Perhaps we can loan HRH one of the aircraft-less aircraft carriers.
  • If Michael Gove really wants to buy the Queen a big, pointless boat, can pay for it out of his departmental budget.  
  • Alternatively, every department in Govenment has to cough up £5m. That'll make him uber-popular round the cabinet table.
  • Austerity (n): to cut benefits from the disabled & poor in order to pay for a large boat for a rich old woman.
  • In any case it seems Cameron plans to give Queenie a big gift. He's busily clawing money from cancer patients & disabled kids to pay for it.

    2 others (retweeted):

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