Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Christmas Cancelled



Trade Deal Done

What a surprise after the recent posturing theatrics from UK.
Maybe everyone seeing thousands of lorry's brought home what was coming & made no deal politically untenable.
Wonder how long it takes for takes for the ERG loons to cry "betrayal"?
Can also foresee that far-right gutter rags like the Daily Sieg Heil, Excuse etc proclaiming the deal as a "Great Victory For Boris".
And in about 3 months they'll be bewailing it as they realise what he signed up to.
At which point he'll realise that too & attempt to legislate to change it like he did with the Withdrawal treaty.

Putting aside the massively ludicrous lies that the Albino BinGibbon spewed, yes, it's better to have a shit deal than a #KamikazeBrexit.

In much the same way that it's better for the firing squad to use nerf gins instead of artillery pieces.