Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Nicholas Parsons

May all your obituaries be be free from hesitation, repetition or deviation.

Thursday, 23 January 2020


The Withdrawal Agreement Act has received royal assent today so the UK leave the EU next week.

Cue the evil Tory bastards claiming Brexit is done. 

Conveniently ignoring the fact that we remain in the EU till the end of the year.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

The Death List - 2020

  • Derek Acorah
  • Russel Bannock
  • Derek Fowlds
  • Kobe Bryant
  • Terry Jones
  • Nicholas Parsons
  • Kirk Douglas
  • Heather Couper
  • Catherine Cass
  • Max von Sydow

11 days missing

I do wonder whiter the Prime Mobster’s vanishing act was anything to do with his call on Remainers to get behind his mental plans to destroy the UK?

You know, the speech that went down like a bucket of cold sick from a syphilitic hobo (for once, that’s said hobo isn't Domenic Cumstain).

Where Johnson has been hiding: