Monday, 10 December 2018

Good question!

Paul Savill:

Theresa May just said she is going to Brussels to seek assurances. If she didn't have those assurances previously what basis for a deal / future did she think she had?

Vote deferred

Saturday: We're not going to defer the vote'. Sunday: We're not going to defer the vote'. Monday morning: We might defer the vote. Monday afternoon: We're deferring the vote. my arse!

Guy Verhofstadt is confused too!

When a bloke who had to deal with dickheads David & Domenic but still managed to get something done has no fecking idea what's going on ...

"Meaningful Vote" delayed by swivel-eyed loser

So she's chickened out of a vote she was likely to get twatted in.
Just so she can cling on to office for a day or two more. Maybot is .

I'm guessing that Maybot is going to go to Brussels & beg on bended knee for a change in the withdrawal agreement that the EU27 have said they wont renegotiate/change under any circumstances. Isn't it good that we have "Strong & Stable" government.