Tuesday, 28 June 2016


Figures are finally in.

£115k on frames
£18k on college mounts
£133,605 in total

That's 65% of the total £204.7k we took over the 4 days.

We used 736 universal mounts & gave away 187 free teak 10" x 8" frames.

#megabusy #megamental

Genaral Admission Hailstorm

Late Saturday afternoon/evening, as homerton came out there was a massive storm. Heavy rain was swiftly followed by a hailstorm. The sound of the stones hitting the tent was deafening. The hail stones were 8-10mm in diameter and after it had finished it left the lawn looking like it had snowed!


At 16.55 on Monday night Bruce said he wanted to take more time off at the end of July (he already has time booked in the weeks I will be involved in the July congregations). I said that it really didn’t matter when he was off as I would be packing photos.

He said that he wanted the printroom to be staffed in his absence. I pointed out that I was not sure how this was going to happen as I can’t work in two places at once. I also pointed out that as the two offices I work in are 2 miles apart I cannot get easily from one to the other at the drop of a hat. He recognised this and suggested I work part-time in both. I said this was "a stupid idea!".

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


Having done & delivered all the leaflets (+ packed 2750 into folders) I got an email from Sue at 15.45 on Friday saying that had a meeting with Natalie & Phil & she wants to make major changes to the forms etc.

Phil did manage to talk her out of unpacking all the folders & re-printing & re-packing. Which is good as 1) don't have enough carbonless sheets & 2) don't have time to do this, given there's only a few weeks before GA starts. Pretty fucking angry about this as could have both included/consulted me and could also have decided this months ago.

Add to the above that Natalie suddenly decided she wanted to re-arrange the lawn forms. Twice.

Then she decided she wanted 500 doing for June after all. Then 1000 for June (which means there'll be 2 types of form for the same thing).

The price of postage is going up in July, which is why Sue wanted to be daft (43% for UK/EU & 50% for elsewhere!) so all the forms that are left over after GA have to be binned. The carbonless forms can't be recycled either.

What a fucking waste!

Off all the time

So Bruce has had all last week off. Now he's having tomorrow afternoon off too (presumably to do something music related).

Talk about extracting the urine!